Thursday, March 12, 2015

Meet the Elderberry bushes!

Say "hello" to our little friends!
These are the Elderberry bushes that I have been caring for over the winter :)

Only a few more weeks and they can start going outside for the first time in their lives... this must be SO exciting for them!!!!

According to "they" and "them", these bushes should bear fruit this fall.  We have 3 of them - the 3rd little bugger didn't want to be in the picture so it was hiding a bit.

They look healthy and seem to be very happy to be alive and thriving.  Hopefully the transplant will go well and we can get them in the ground by mid-April so that they can flourish and get super big in the next couple of years.  Eventually we will get a full 15 pounds of berries from each bush every year.  We are starting several more from seed as well - we can only hope that they do as well as these have.

Hooray for Elderberry bushes!!!!


  1. Oh, they are beauties! My favorite plant (tied for 1st place with about 437 others). When I had elderberry bushes, lots of babies popped up around the property so I'm sure your seeds will do well, too.

    1. Hi, Jain :)
      Thanks so much for your comment. Glad to know that the seeds are hardy!
      Hope you have a great day,
