Thursday, March 26, 2015




Yup!  That weed that everyone wants to kill, kill, kill!  Believe it or not, Dandelion is one of the most beneficial herbs out there.  
A weed?  Maybe.  
But there are lots of great plants and herbs that are considered weeds.  

First and foremost:
Nutritionally, Dandelion is high in:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Seriously???  Dandelion is chock full of all of these?  Yes.  It really is.
So, why are you not plotting and planning how to get your hands on the first delicate Dandelion greens of the season?  I don't know - I'll play your silly game.  Why aren't you?


In addition to touting all of these great vitamins and minerals, Dandelion can also say that it:
*Purifies your blood (more later on this - I could take up a whole post just for this attribute!)
*Cleanses you liver and gallbladder (again - a huge attribute that could take up the entire blog post - more later)
*Clears your acne
*Heals eczema
*Heals warts
*Repels mosquitoes
*Treats kidney problems (gosh, there sure is a lot to go into more detail about later with Dandelion)

No wonder it's known as a powerful cleansing herb! 

Knowing all of this, I can hardly believe that we have all been conditioned to kill off this little weed that could be keeping our organs free of toxins and running more efficiently.  

This, folks, is a great example of getting back to our roots.  People have known about the many many benefits of Dandelion for CENTURIES... why are we not taught these essential tidbits anymore?  
I, for one, think it's time to bring back the tried and true remedies.  My own personal experience has shown me that natural remedies, pulled from Mother Earth's vast medicine cabinet, really do work.  

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