Monday, March 23, 2015



Isn't she beautiful?
Too bad after all of the flowers wilt they become those troublesome burrs that stick on your socks and your dogs and anything else they can get their little velcro-balls to attach to!!

Burdock is classified as a cleansing herb.
It touts the following benefits:

*Blood detoxifier
*Hair growth stimulator
*Cleanses the skin
*Clears acne

In addition, there is growing evidence (more research currently underway) that Burdock Root could possibly inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.  More on this later, as we'll be doing an in-depth spotlight on each herb later in the season when we're making healing products with them.

Tomorrow: Bergamot

Make it a great day - and try to help those around you do the same :)   Just remember... we're all in this big weird game together!

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