Friday, March 27, 2015



I have never run across Hyssop, that I can think of, before starting my research on what to grow in the herb garden this year.  This seems really surprising, given the glorious beauty of this plant, combined with the plethora of health benefits that come along with it.

Hyssop is another cleansing herb.  I'm going to have to do some research on combining these cleansing herbs - maybe this will turn into Herb Lady Detox!!

Not only it is internally cleansing, but you can make an effective, yet gentle and soothing wound cleaning wash from Hyssop.  I'll be trying that :)

In addition to its cleansing capabilities, check out what else Hyssop can do (haha - look what I can do!)

Hyssop is:
*An expectorant (Bye-bye mucinex.  who needs you?  You make me feel icky and dry my face out anyway!)

and it also:
*Helps regulate blood pressure (Heck yeah ~ have you seen the list of side effects associated with most blood pressure medication?  My husband had a cough for over a year that we finally figured out was caused by his blood pressure medication... and that's probably one of the more benign side effects)
*Calms nerves and nervous tension
*Soothes arthritic pain
*Rejuvenates aging skin, reducing wrinkling and sagging (you had better believe I'll be coming out with a lotion that incorporates this!)

Our Hyssop babies are super healthy and screaming to be let out of their little pots and put into the garden. Unfortunately they will need to wait a little while if they're going to survive :)

Hyssop is another herb that is supposed to release its benefits into wine really well, so this will be a good candidate for a nice tonic wine.  I sure do hope that these tonic wines (and the infused vinegars) make a comeback.

Happy Friday to those of you who read this the same day it's posted.  If not, Happy whatever day it is to you!

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