Monday, March 30, 2015


  ~~~ Licorice ~~~

Oh, the things that Licorice can do!  The hubby had an ulcer a while back, and, instead of hitting it with eleventy-billion types of antibiotics, we decided to try the homeopathic path first.  A big part of this was Licorice root.  The healing was slow, but, from what I understand, ulcers are just slow to heal.  The important part is that, with a handful of herbs, we were able to get him healed and we never had to turn to antibiotics.

Not only does Licorice help to heal ulcers, it also:
*Enhances your immune system
*Eases heartburn
*Helps to calm bronchial inflammation
and related to that...
*Soothes respiratory ailments
*Treats Herpes simplex 1 and 2
*Neutralizes toxins in the body

This may seem like a short list, but each of the attributes are highly valuable in our day to day lives.

A note about Licorice:
There is a compound in Licorice that can, especially with long term use, exacerbate high blood pressure issues.  There is a supplement out there that has this compound removed and is safe to use long term even if you do suffer from high blood pressure (just ask me and I can tell you more about this), but if you're using 100% natural, untouched herbs, please consult your doctor, especially if you plan on using Licorice long term (like to treat an ulcer).

Well, boys and girls - I think that's all for today... tomorrow we talk about Stinging Nettle. You may want to think twice before you go waging war against this little bugger if it's on your property ~ there's more to Nettle than meets the eye ;)

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