Thursday, March 5, 2015

Catnip - benefits galore!

Loved by kitties and in-the-know humans alike - catnip is the bomb! ...unless you currently take lithium... in which case, talk to your doctor before sipping on some catnip tea :)

It's a natural mosquito repellent - for this reason alone it deserves a place in my landscape.

WebMD says that you can use catnip to get rid of intestinal worms - ewwww!

Catnip helps some people to relax, has been known to reduce anxiety and to help those with insomnia to drift off to dreamland.

Also said to be helpful with stomach upsets such as indigestion, cramping and gas.

It's a beautiful perennial plant and is a native herb to my growing zone 6a.
It doesn't have many side effects, other than the mild sedative quality that it is likely used for in the first place, although all of the sources that I have reviewed say that not enough research has been done to say that it's safe for pregnant women to ingest catnip, so I wouldn't recommend it... this would definitely be a case of "better safe than sorry"!

So catnip made its way into the top 20 list and into the herb garden this year.  I can't wait to share photos and let you know all of the wonderful products that we will be making with catnip!!!

Tomorrow: Echinacea :)

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