Monday, April 20, 2015

Tales from the herb garden - Part 1

So yesterday I took the big brother and sister herbs outside to begin their hardening process... I sat them in a chair to discourage our kitty "Miss Kitty", from digging or pooping or whatever it is that she may feel inclined to do.

It took a good 3 hours for her to notice the herbs in the chair and she slinked toward them like a Puma stalking her prey.  She snuck up, began to sniff, and proceeded to hop up with her front legs so that she could get a better view.

Luckily I was watching from a distance.  I "psst"-ed her, and gave an "ack - ack - hey!  get outta there".  She listened - after all, she's a pretty good kitty.  But it wasn't long before she was snooping around again.  I knew what she smelled - it was the Catnip.

I chuckled to myself and walked over to the little plants.  I carefully pinched a leaf off of one of the heartier-looking Catnip plants and presented it to Miss Kitty.  She immediately grabbed the leaf and wolfed it right down.  She then "meowed" at me, quite loudly, which is very unusual for our shy little kitty.  She obviously loved the Catnip and wanted more.

After 6 leaves and laughing my arse off at how the cat was acting, I came to the definite conclusion that the Catnip will need to be grown indoors this year...
...otherwise, it'll look like this...

... and that's the BEST case scenario!

It could turn out like this:

... and I can't have THAT on my conscience!!!

(Disclaimer - none of these pics are my kitty.  In fact, my kitty is not my kitty - she's just a stray that never went away and won a place in our hearts - now we belong to her).

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