Wednesday, April 22, 2015



Although there has not as of yet been an outpouring of vampires in our area, let's not be naive in thinking that it's not going to happen at all!  If (when) it does, we're all going to be in deep doo-doo if we don't have lots and lots of Garlic!

Besides fending off bloodsuckers, Garlic also touts some pretty awesome every-day benefits. These include:

*Ability to grab hold of and flush heavy metals from our bodies

*Safely and naturally lowers cholesterol levels

*Enhances the immune system (I have seen TONS of recipes for cold and flu remedies that use minced garlic as one of the main ingredients - I'm just too chicken to try it yet... probably because I'm so infatuated with the powers of Elderberries)

*One of the best detoxifiers of all of the herbs

*Lowers blood pressure

*It's antibiotic and antimicrobial - again, one of the main ingredients in lots of general herbal antibiotic formulas that I've seen.

In addition to the healing benefits that Garlic offers, it's also quite delicious!  If the taste of garlic turns you off, try roasting it to get a much sweeter and more delicate flavor :)

Garlic has also been given credit for fending off nasty mosquitoes.  If you are blood type O like I am, you likely have to deal with being a walking buffet when those suckers are present - they especially like our blood type :(  Old wives tales consistently say that eating raw garlic produces a scent that is released from your pores that mosquitoes really don't like.  Now, keep in mind, this scent coming from your pores might drive away more than just mosquitoes, so you may want to try a simple topical spray with essential oils like Eucalyptus and Citronella if you're going to be around your sweetheart!
(Insert shameless ad for product here) Ask me if you'd like a purse or pocket sized spray bottle of natural, organic bug repellent for the low low price of only $2.50 ;)

Here's hoping that everyone has a stellar day today!
Image result for cheers

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