Saturday, December 13, 2014

About Elderberry Tincture with Raw Honey

The first batch of Elderberry Tincture is finally drunk enough to offer to the public!!!
We took dried organic Elderberries, coated them in raw honey from Ashland, Ohio, and then added 100 proof vodka.  This mixture was shaken and loved every day for 6 weeks.  Many don't add honey to their tincture, but we figured it would be a nice addition since honey is naturally antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic!

The tincture can be taken daily as a preventative (I do this if those around me are sick) or can be used as a treatment at the first sign of any illness.  Not only do the compounds in the elderberries prevent viruses (like the flu) from attaching and spreading, but they also beef up our own immune systems to allow our bodies to better fight off illnesses on their own.

Taken daily as a preventative, only 20 drops (or about 1/2 of a dropper-full) is needed.  It can be added to any liquid or can be taken neat (straight).  At the first sign of illness, to ramp up the immune system and to prevent the spread of illness, take the same dosage, but increase to 3 to 4 times daily.

Multiple studies have shown elderberries to be twice as effective as tamiflu at shortening the severity and duration of the flu.  With a tamiflu shot running around $125.00 and not being covered by many insurance plans (mine doesn't cover a penny of it!), this tincture is an affordable and extremely effective way to beat the flu.  In fact, elderberries have proven effective against the ebola virus in preliminary studies.

It's a true cure-all that our ancestors have known about and used for ages.  It's about time that we get back to our roots and stop turning to synthetic medicines at every sneeze and sniffle!

Our 1 oz. bottles contain approximately 600 drops, so that would equate to 30 doses... double that number for the 2 oz. bottle.  There is a discount if you purchase the larger bottle, too.
In my experience, I have only had to take this tincture around 3 times per day for 2 to 3 days to feel completely better if I actually come down with a cold or flu-type illness.  That's only $2.10 - $3.60 to treat a cold or flu episode, depending on the size bottle you buy and whether you need to take it for 2 or 3 days.  2 or 3 bucks versus a $125 tamiflu shot that may or may not even work in the first place?????  Seems like a no-brainer to me!

About Shea Butter Lip Balm

Herb Lady Remedies' first batch of lip balm is done!
We've got to get some good pictures for the Etsy shelves, but, for now, I can at least tell you about it :)
The balm is completely organic and is made of shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax.  To this batch, we added Vitamin E oil, a little homemade vanilla extract and some raw honey from Ashland, Ohio.  It has a slight sweetness and a warm smell from the vanilla, shea and honey, and the feel is nothing short of luxurious!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Excitement Builds!

Well, we're getting really close to "launching" the Herb Lady Remedies line of products on Etsy and, of course, locally as well!
We've got a fresh batch of Elderberry Tincture ready to be bottled in our beautiful blue 1oz. or 2oz. glass bottles.  You'll want to have this on hand for the winter ~ and it will last for years to come if you don't have the need to use it up.  We'll have balms and salves along with bath bombs ("fizzies"), detox bath mixes, and many other organic handmade herbal wellness products.   We're really excited to bring to you a magnesium lotion as well.  Much more on that later!
Please feel free to let us know if you have an ailment that you would like to try a natural remedy for - we've got an arsenal of ingredients to choose from and would relish the opportunity to customize a remedy for anyone who needs it and is willing to give it a try!!
Check back over the weekend.  We'll have products, prices, details - so much fun stuff - to share :)
Take care and be good to yourself.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

According to an Arabian Proverb...

"He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything."

so health really is everything...

Thank your body for taking care of you by feeding it real food, giving it plenty of rest, getting regular exercise, and giving nature a shot at healing ailments before turning to chemicals and synthetic drugs.  Your body will thank you and give you the gift of good health, which, after all, really is everything :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Meryl Streep knows what's up!

"It's bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children's health than the pediatrician"
- Meryl Streep

That's a woman who knows what's up :)

About Elderberries

It's a wonder that we don't all have Elderberry bushes in our yards so that we can pluck the berries in the fall and make enough syrup and tincture to keep our families cold and flu free each winter.

Unfortunately, I didn't learn about Elderberries in school.  I'll bet you didn't either.

This blog isn't a class on Elderberries - I'm not a horticulturist or a botanist (although maybe that will change one day), but I would like to share what I've learned with you so that you can make an informed decision about how to treat yourself this cold and flu season... either naturally or with pharmaceuticals... the choice is yours to make.

I'll admit that I'm biased.  I personally prefer to avoid RX or even over-the-counter medications as much as possible.  There have been too many cases of feeling just as bad or worse than I before I took a medication from the side effects from medication.  In the several years that I have been treating myself with natural products (herbs and oils, mostly), I have not suffered from any side effects.  No headaches, no sweats, no shakiness, no drowsiness, no hypertension, no irritability, etc... I could go on and on like any of the many RX commercials that they play these days, with heart attacks and stroke and death and thoughts of suicide from a pill that is supposed to make your arms less itchy or your eyes less dry.  Since I avoid medications with such fervor, I have to be constantly learning and searching and cross referencing and studying to find natural replacements for what I would have normally taken pills for.

It turns out that most of the herbal and natural remedies that I have tried have worked just as well, if not better, than their RX counterpart.  My husband and I healed his ulcer - not with 5 different kinds of antibiotics (because the bacteria that cause ulcers have grown to be antibiotic resistant), but with herbs like licorice root and cat's claw and slippery elm.  I have chased off illness overnight with Elderberry syrup or tincture.

Studies have been done that have compared Elderberry Syrup (sambucus) to Tamiflu.  It turns out that Tamiflu has nothing on mother nature!  The flu stuck around with placebo patients for around 6 days.  Tamiful shortened the duration to 4.5-5 days... but Elderberry Syrup???  How about taking it down to 2.5-3 days!  Tamiflu is over $100.  Elderberry syrup can be purchased in the health food stores and pharmacies for around $16.00 per 4oz.  I make my own Elderberry syrup and tincture from organic Elderberries (I will be growing my own starting next season - I have the little tiny baby bushes in my living room chillin' with me for the winter), raw organic Ohio honey, ginger and cinnamon.

I'll be selling the tincture on Etsy starting in about a week and a half.  I have a beautiful batch that's been getting drunk on 100 proof vodka for about 5 weeks now.  This tincture can be used as a preventative or as a treatment for cold and flu.  Taking Elderberry syrup or tincture every day helps to strengthen your immune system so that your body can take care of itself.

Interesting fact:  Additional studies on Elderberry (sambucus) have shown it to be effective against Ebola!! Heck - maybe it dissolves zombies, too!

More about the Elderberry:
*It's an antioxidant
*It's antibacterial
*It's antiviral
*Reduces swelling in mucus membranes (this is a biggie for fighting/reducing symptoms of colds or the flu)
*Contains Vitamins A, B and C as well as amino acids
*Very effective against sinus infections

Overall, I consider Elderberry to be the all purpose illness conqueror - there's not much this little berry can't do!

Coming Soon ~ Herb Lady Remedies Etsy shop :)

Homemade organic wellness!!
First product available will be Elderberry Tincture ~ cold and flu prevention and remedy all-in-one.

I'll be bringing you information about why you should be turning to all-natural remedies instead of pharmaceuticals and even over-the-counter meds.

Looking forward to sharing everything that I'm learning about how to utilize mother nature to care for yourself!!